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Writer's pictureSamir Kureshi

Journey of a Diamond by Almas Diamond – A Diamond Polishing Company

Diamond Polishing Company - Almas Diamond

Diamonds are universally loved as one of the most valuable items in the world, but the process of transforming an uncut diamond into a beautiful gemstone takes a lot of time and effort, and the skill of a master cutter. In this article, you will read the story of the diamond, with the help of the Almas Diamond- a diamond polishing business.

The beginning of a Diamond: Formation

Diamond formation process starts from the ground deep within the earth crust at a depth of 100 to 200 miles. These stones were created by heat and pressure on carbon crystals about 3 billion years ago.

Diamonds serve two main purposes: in jewelry, mainly because they are rare and they look beautiful, and in industrial uses because of their molecular structures. After Diamond Evaluation, about 30 percent are deemed gem quality and are further treated by specialists for diamond Boiling, diamond polishing to be used in jewelry. The remaining seventy percent is used for industrial purposes for cutting, drilling, grinding and Diamond polishing. Almas Diamond offer many services, like Diamond cutting in Dubai and diamond evaluation Dubai as well as diamond boiling UAE and diamond polishing UAE.

The Journey of a Diamond: From the Earth through the Retail

The journey of a diamond from the depths of the earth to the retail market involves several stages, which are outlined below:

  • Exploration

Diamonds are made to come closer to the earth’s surface through violent activities like the volcanic ones that form ‘pipes’ or openings. These pipes transport diamonds and other minerals such as kimberlite to the surface of the earth. A large majority of diamonds are recovered and remain within the kimberlite rocks of these pipes.

Exploration in diamond involves searching for kimberlite rocks using a tool that measures the change in magnetic fields of the ground. Diamonds can be mined from various places, but the major suppliers are Australia, Botswana, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, Russia and South Africa and account for about 80% of the global diamond production. After that comes the next steps of diamond boiling, diamond polishing and diamond cutting in Dubai.

  • Diamond Mining

  1. Open Pit Mining: This method entails mining of rocks or minerals in an open cast. It is usually applied where the mineral deposits are on the near surface or along the kimberlite pipes.

  2. Underground Mining: This method involves digging underground to get gems, minerals, and ore bodies and construct underground rooms supported by timber pillars or standing rock.

  3. Marine Mining: mining of diamond from the seabed, which has been a dream for many long years, has become commercially possible due to the development of technology.

  4. Artisanal Mining: This is a non-industrial technique where people, families and communities use simple tools such as sieves and pans for mining diamonds.

The ore which is mined contains rough diamonds and they go through several blasting and crushing processes to release the diamonds and do diamond boiling; the techniques used include x-rays. It is estimated that to obtain one carat of rough diamond it requires on average over 250 tons of ore. Annual production of rough diamonds is more than 120 million carats, and of them only 25 percent are classified as gem quality. After this comes the step of diamond evaluation and sorting.

  • Diamond Evaluation and Sorting

After the mining, diamond evaluation takes place. The gems afterwards are divided into over two thousand sub-categories depending on size, shape, quality, and color of the diamonds.


  • Diamond Cutting & Diamond Polishing 

The next process is the cutting and polishing method which is also delicate work that has been conducted for centuries.

Even though some of the polishing is automated, most of the work is done manually. The cutter initiates the process by cleaving, sawing or laser cutting the initial rough into manageable sizes. After that, the girdler removes the stone’s outer layer by chiseling it through a process known as bruting, which defines the stone’s outline. Faceting follows in two steps: the blocker trims and polishes the first 18 facets (table, culet, bezel, and pavilion), and the brilliante does the rest of the 40 facets (star, upper girdle, and lower girdle). Last of all, the cut gemstone is washed in acids to get rid of dust and oil that may be on the gemstone. Almas Diamond are a top diamond polishing company and offer top diamond polishing service as well as diamond cutting in UAE where you can find the best diamond polishing price.


  • Jewelry Manufacturing

At this stage, the diamonds are polished to turn into shiny stones ready to be incorporated in finished jewelries. The top countries in jewelry manufacturing are India, China, Italy, Spain, Thailand, UAE and Turkey are also among the leading countries in jewelry production. Almas Diamond offer the best diamond polishing service as it is a top diamond polishing company, and you can contact us for any service that you want or need.


  • Retailing

Finally, the diamond jewelry is either offered to a middleman, a wholesaler or directly to a retailer. The retailer then sells the diamond jewelry to the consumers.

Diamond jewelry alone has a market value of over $60 billion a year, with the price comprising of the diamonds, metal and other gemstones. The USA dominates the global market with a 55% share; Japan comes second with 15% of the global market; Europe has 10%; Asia Pacific has 5%; Asia Arabia also has 5%; and the rest of the world has 10%. Analyzing the data of independent studies one can define that diamond jewelry is the most popular luxury item, which people of any sex get for themselves or as gifts. The diamond business provides work for about ten million people globally in the various occupations ranging from mining to sales. This shows that diamond polishing business is a flourishing one around the world and Almas Diamond strive to be the best in diamond cutting in Dubai and diamond cleaning Dubai.

Almas Diamond: A top diamond polishing business

That’s why the story of a diamond can be a vivid example of the great natural phenomena and the efforts of people to turn a rough stone into a shiny gem. This is why at Almas Diamond, the company proud of every step of this process, guaranteeing that each diamond offered to our clients is of the highest quality. Considered a top diamond polishing company in UAE, offer the best diamond polishing UAE, the best diamond cutting in Dubai, and diamond cleaning Dubai. Almas Diamond is a top diamond polishing business and offer great diamond polishing service and the best diamond polishing price.


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